[h2]Marxello Catchanale[/h2] 'Glad to hear that,' Mark murmured, the creatures lunging toward the two men quite viciously. Oh yes, these would certainly have killed somebody innocent sooner rather than later - no normal man or woman would be able to handle pack tactics like those. They even recognised that Mark had a weapon in hand, or so it seemed. Not that it helped the one going for it, since the weapon was on fire after all. Mark brought the makeshift weapon swiftly round as the animal went for it, searing and slicing open the flesh of that particular wardog's skull as the magic-imbued weapon connected, at the same time booting one of the other dogs in the face with a gauntleted foot, before thrusting the burning lance toward the body of the final hound attacking him. He'd fought a highly-skilled Salamander to a standstill multiple times, it would hardly be prudent to then let a few angry dogs try to bite him to death. 'If you need help, by the way,' Mark called, 'I can probably chip in whenever's appropriate... just gotta keep an eye on the other two, is all I'm thinking.' Much like wolves in the wild, some of the pack had not charged in immediately, and they would be the dangerous ones if they weren't kept in check. Just in case, Mark called for the Gnome to pay attention, and to send a rock spire into either of those two dogs if they decided to take their chance.