[quote=@BCTheEntity] Well, I imagine that's why there aren't so many Harpy PCs - ost harpies are relatively weak. And as far as social norms, that's just what I'd been told by other players, honestly. [/quote] More like because none of them ever did anything worthy of note but had the gall to call themselves Juno-killing monstrosities. When you are that proud but can't back your words with actions while being a "champion" to your kind, it's easy to put your whole race to ridicule. Harpies are nothing more than loud neighbors that people in Celestia tolerate because they serve as good cannon fodder. Nothing more, nothing less. At least until they prove themselves. [quote=@BCTheEntity] Conflict? I imagine it helps that the PCs are less likely to be on the receiving end of torture, being PCs and all. [/quote] A good reason but as some people here can say, being a PC doesn't spare you of the slapstick. Masochists are really much more likely to enjoy it. [quote=@BCTheEntity] ...I kind of just assumed, honestly. My bad. But in that case, I'd love to have Maceroy join the Harvester on his mission. It's a good option. [/quote] Well, that's the intention. You just have to get going on it, when you have time, probably after the next battle, since we'll likely be having it start in very short order.