[color=SteelBlue]"...we're being observed."[/color] Akagalcia grinned, hoisting her mug. "People? Is one of them copper-haired? I blacked his eye. He is fun." She then took the time to very deliberately finish the stout in her mug, and then take up the pitcher in both hands and chug the rest of that as well. "I will not look, but do you think they will follow us if we leave?" She stands, swaying a little, but keeping balance with one hand on the back of her chair. The dance floor a couple dozen paces behind her was getting raucous again. TBV had invited another instrumentalist from back stage and TBV's guitarists had backed off to allow the guest performer to work with the drummer and lead vocalist. [table][row] [cell][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrVhoCPGe0s][img]http://i.imgur.com/KdzywDR.png[/img][/url][/cell][cell][right] [sub][color=orange][b]Little Athredan - Nova Bar & Grill - Live Concert by [/b][/color] [@Zarkun][/sub][/right][/cell] [/row][/table] Akagalcia turned to toward a particular part of the bar, then looked back to the main entrance they'd come through. Sway here, twist there. She was certainly some kind of tipsy, though Rave couldn't be sure just how much. "They let people out the back. I've fought in their alley before. It is dangerous without armor of some sort. We will have an advantage. The front street will be more fun. Which way?"