[@Klomster] Myst is currently considering if he wants to return or not. We have fixed the issue that caused him to resign, however, he will make the final decision do to so or not. [u][b]An important announcement concerning the IC:[/b][/u] Henceforth (due to the realisation that we should probably record it), Sac War or that is to say Materia has a detailed calendar, historically based on the Aemerine months. Context: The world does not have 12 months and normal 'seasons' don't function as the world is neither a globe in a real star system (the sun is an illusion and the stars are magical signals representing gods) nor does the environment work normally as gods can modify the weather in whole countries with sufficient influence. Instead, the months are based on the cardinal and ordinal points of a compass concerning the position of the illusionary sun in the sky. As such, (The names being modified versions of the IRL words for the compass cardinal and ordinal points), the months are as follows: [i]Tramont, Grecon, Levan, Sciroccon, Ostrob, Libercon, Ponent, Maestrov[/i]. So eight months. Each month has 45 days each, thus a total of 360 days per year. The current month is Ostrob (month 5, representing the cardinal direction of South) of the year 300AWH.[b] When writing IC posts, please take this into account from now on.[/b] P.S: The movement of time will follow two rules: #1: Creative ruling, that is players can indicate the passage of time in their IC posts using day timeskips to allow events to move along. They can also enable short timeskips of weeks or (rarely) months but need the permission of a GM or Co-GM. #2: GM ruling, this concerns mostly unifying IC post positions in time and accounting for major timeskips, if we ever agree as a RP group to have a major timeskip. The GMs can also dictate the current date when announcing world events.