[@Nohbdy] i'm sorry but that still doesn't make sense to me. A grave chute isn't the size of a seat cushion. each one has these two little wings that jut out to the sides. [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/8/81/Elysian_Drop_Troops_grav-chute.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130208202145[/img] which would make it incredibly difficult to move any part of its arms without these backpack units clashing with each other. Also I said 10 chutes because comrades exist. Maybe it isn't 10, but it is still probably 6-8 total. and again, total weight of objects is not my concern. it is physical dimensions of everything. Does no one else see how I find the idea of a servitor with a half dozen grav chutes strapped to him ridiculous?