"You, and Jenso, seem to need more specific training in regards to your actions during battle. So, I've prepared a personal test for both of you, rather than simply taking your battle results from a 1-on-1 bout. I've already collected a great deal of Data on the both of you. That being said, here are the rules..." "You will only be allowed to attack me [b]five times[/b] during each session. I will have an unlimited amount of attacks, and I will be allowed to do as I please. If I can hit [b]you[/b] twice, we will start over. Your goal is to either knock me out of the ring, or hit me twice before a match ends. We'll repeat this until you can consistently defeat me, over the next few hours." Mikey rose his hands and summoned his geyser gauntlets. "Blup will assist you throughout the battle if you need his help. Speak with him freely for advice and active tutoring. I won't be holding back, or helping you at all, though. Rely on Blup, and your own intuition to win."