Just a small annoyance that has been bugging me for awhile. A friend of mine has been doing a 1x1 for some time with me on Discord, and like any good partner, he does a @mention if it has been a few days since I haven't replied (sometimes I can get busy and don't have the time to reply). However, what annoys me is the time when he posts a reply and does a @mention if I haven't replied to him within thirty minutes to an hour. Additionally, he has a habit of going to every server we're both in and doing a @mention, so sometimes I reach almost ten notifications over the period of a minute that all deal with the same topic. I've brought this up to him, as well the fact that he doesn't do the same thing to the other people he does 1x1s with. His only excuse is that he cares about our 1x1 and not the other ones he is in. I've known him for several years now, but frankly I've tired of all the crap he tries pulling with me because I don't have my eyes glued to the conversation and not instantly capable of responding. Tl;dr Friend is doing a 1x1 with me and often annoys me with instant notifications or multiple notifications in the same time frame.