[h3][center][color=MediumVioletRed]Julia[/color]/[color=Aqua]Jillian[/color][/center][/h3] Julia's eyes danced across the surface of a wall as a plan formed in her mind. She didn't have any love for the twins that were present, but she had even less love for Beacon. She had been spotted already, and fired upon quite promptly. It wouldn't do to leave without retaliation in some form. Perhaps a demonstration of power before she made a quick retreat? And this building was empty... Yes, that would do. Property damage was acceptable. The plan didn't need to be shared verbally. Jillian floated closer to Julia without prompting, watching in silence as Julia's pitch-dark magic staff was pushed against the wall of the building they had been hiding behind. The motions of the staff were quick and expert as a magical circle was carved into the wall with a bit of help from Jillian's own gravity-based abilities. Julia floated backwards once it was complete, dragging her other self with her as her staff aligned itself. Power gathered at its furthest point, growing and growing as the smaller magical girl grit her teeth and [i]focused[/i]. Her huff of effort was drowned out by the thunderous [i]crash[/i] as the building was seemingly punched downwards. The circle she had covered dissipated in a flash of light as it was used to channel her power, and the surface it was carved upon was smashed downwards along with the rest of the building. The force of the massive impact- as well as the cloud of dust and debris- was kept away from the two of them via a manipulation on both Jillian and Julia's part, pushing it away as it came close to them. Their clothes did not even flutter in the breeze, due to their ethereal nature. Julia stared downwards at the depression in the ground, the radius of which ended at her feet. Sapping tiredness and exhilaration flowed through her in equal measures as she composed herself. For a few silent moments, the magical girl gathered herself until she appeared as calm and pristine as ever. She gestured wordlessly with her staff, creating a funnel through the immense dust cloud. The two of them floated through, hands interlocked and Julia's staff floating beside her free hand. Humming lowly to herself, the magical girl's eyes darted about, before locking upon the presence which had directed hostility towards her upon her approach. She floated in silence and waited. [@Shifter_Master][@Flamelord][@Hammerman][@Majoras End][@Vocab][@BrokenPromise]