Private Ralf Thann [hr] [i]"Your deployment orders have been passed through the chain of command to your squad leaders. We will be the first boots on the ground. Mount up in your pelicans, and you show those alien mother fuckers what it's like to mess with the Marines! Dismissed!"[/i] "Hoo-rah!" Echoed Ralf alongside the other Marines as the Major finished his speech. The private was the last to arrive of the squad, the Sledgehammers. He liked the name, had power in it. Before the speech began, he had quietly offered the rest of the squad a nod, acknowledging them. As they made way for the designated pelican that would descend them down onto surface, he scanned his brothers-and-sisters in arms, making sure he would recognize their looks should the need for it arise. No words came out of him during the walk however, a rare sight. It was just now it hit him that he would soon meet the Covenant face-to-face. He could die even. The thought had never really affected him much, but now it did. He 'scanned' his squadmates one last time, fearing it might be the last time Ralf would see faces that didn't have a look of dread upon them. As the group arrived to the Pelican, Ralf positioned himself accordingly alongside the others, awaiting potential words from their squad-leaders.