A CS for your perusal. [hider=Comments][color=lawngreen]"Hi! I'm Freya and this is my brother, Ben. We're the Dover twins."[/color] [color=goldenrod]"That's me. Ben, Ben Do-"[/color] [color=lawngreen]"They get it, you absolute [i]child.[/i]"[/color] [color=goldenrod][i]Quiet chuckle.[/i][/color][/hider] [b]Characters you have created:[/b] Ben and Freya Dover [hider=Comments][color=lawngreen]"Sorry for the terrible nicknames, they weren't our choice.[/color] [color=goldenrod]"Yeah, they suck as-[/color] [color=lawngreen]"Language.[/color]"[/hider] [b]Alias:[/b] Greed (Ben) and Envy (Freya). [b]Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):[/b] [color=LawnGreen][/color]: [color=LawnGreen]Freya[/color] [color=GoldenRod][/color]: [color=goldenrod]Ben[/color] [hider=Comments][color=lawngreen]"We're out for ourselves. If that means helping the bad guys one day, and the good guys the next, so be it. No one will control us ever again.[/color] [color=goldenrod]"I'm just along to keep her out of trouble. If she wanted to be lumberjacks in Canada, we would have been lumberjacks in Canada. I can be whatever she wants me to be, so long as she's happy.'All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts.'[/color][/hider] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Walking the Line [b]Identity:[/b] Known [b]Character Personality[/b]: [u]Freya[/u] Freya revels in mischief, always ready with a snide remark or a sarcastic comment. She loves to taunt people, seeing how far she could push their buttons. She always seems to be filled with a manic energy, zipping from one project to the next, one exciting operation to the next, almost never still. She's brains behind the Dover operations, enjoying the control she has over her own life and the lives of others. She is obsessed with learning new things, spending hours at a time surfing the internet to watch people's how-to videos, absorbing their knowledge in an instant. It's the only time she's ever still. [u]Ben[/u] Ben is calmer and far more docile than his sister. He's content to read a good book, take a quiet nap, enjoy a play. He enjoys the quiet things compared to his sister, who finds peace and quiet boring and maddening. For his part in their operations his job is to follow her around, observing the proceedings with a bored look on his face, and aiding his massive size and general aura of menace to help with Freya's presence and negotiations. Particular and methodical about his movements, Ben only ever seems to move quickly whenever someone seems to be threatening Freya. [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] [hider=The Dover Siblings][img]http://pre08.deviantart.net/1473/th/pre/i/2015/236/f/e/brother_and_sister_by_kxrxllxna-d96z7xa.png[/img] Ben's eyes are divided vertically, half gold and half brown. Freya's eyes are divided vertically as well, half emerald green and half gold. [/hider] [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] [hider=Comments][color=lawngreen]"Are you sure you want to hear all this? It's just your typical sob tale."[/color] [color=goldenrod]"Yeah, it's kinda shi-"[/color] [color=lawngreen]"Language!"[/color][/hider] The Dover Twins remember very little about their lives before being taken at the ages of 3 (Freya) and 4 (Ben). Bright colored walls. A crackling fire place. Music playing throughout the home. Art all along the walls. From what they can remember, the Twins guess that they were an upper class househould. It didn't matter in the end. One day masked men entered the house and took them away from everything they ever knew. They were taken to a lab and thrown into a shared cel. They don't know where. They do know that they weren't alone. They could hear other kids crying and panicking in the flawless cells. It was pristine, perfectly clean. White walls with white cells with white beds with white pillows. All clean and flawless. Ben and Freya weren't sure why their communal cell was so clean and white, but they hated it nonetheless. For a few hours, at least that's what it felt like, they were left alone. Then they met Dr. Cain for the first time. He was an unassuming man, getting on in age. The type of person most people would glance at and forget the next second. Medium height, lean build, receding steel hair, brown eyes. He had a kind smile. He took them into his lab and conducted physical check ups on them, telling them of their new situation. Their old names were gone. They were now Envy and Greed respectively. Their parents had given them up for the greater good of humanity, and what they would be doing here would save the world. For a moment, one foolish moment, they believed him. They believed he actually meant them no harm. Then he tied them down to his table and injected them with his serum. The pain was excruciating, but unique to each of them. For Freya it was a burning throughout her entire being, so hot that she thought she would melt through the table. For Ben it crushing and grasping, yanking all of his insides into one point deep within. Rather than helping them through this pain, as his kindly visage suggested he would, Dr. Cain threw the two of them in their cell and left without a word. Judging from the screams all around them, the other children were going through the same thing. They didn't know how long they spent writhing, but eventually the pain died down. Eventually they were left laying there, numb, too tired to even cry. A good amount of their compatriots died that night. They were the lucky ones. What followed was years of tests,growth, and training. Tests to find their limits. Training to expand it. Tests to discover the nature of their powers. Training to harness it. All the while their bodies changed and grew in a direct response to the serum they had received. They were lucky. They were only cursed with excessive height. Some of their compatriots had grown extra limbs, gotten scaly skin, or any number of other mutations. Early on, Freya and Ben were declared 'flawed', simply because she got part of her brother's powers, and he didn't get all of his. They were kept around for testing, but ultimately were expected to die. They didn't. They kept going till they were one of the last two pairs of Envy and Greed. When they were 20 (Ben) and 19 (Freya) they were put into the arena (Where all the combat training of their powers was done) with the other pair. The other pair was supposed to kill them to finish their training. Ben and Freya had other plans. Freya had managed to get a glimpse of another metahuman, one with super enhanced physical traits. She had learned how to hack and fight from more 'guests'. They had a plan to escape, to finally be free of this pristine hellhole. She made an orb and gave it to her brother. They entered the arena, and faced their opponents. Twin brothers, confident in their abilities and completely convinced by Dr. Cain that they were saving humanity. They didn't die pretty. It was chaos after the fight, and everything happened in a blur. Ben breaking through the walls of the arena, Freya frantically pressing at pads, other test subjects running everywhere. When they finally had a moment to stop and breathe, they were outside in Dover, Delaware. They had to leave, quickly. Selecting new names from what mythology and humor they knew/wanted, they left and trekked across the US, eventually settling down in St. Louis, Missouri. Over the next seven years, they established themselves a small mercenary/gang/war salesman empire. They offered their services to whoever was willing to pay, they ran a minor illegal organization, and they sold Freya's orbs to the highest bidder. Their contacts were spreading widely, and they were doing well for themselves. They even had a lovely base of operations with all the high tech security and comforts they could want. At least, until they lost everything again yesterday. [b]Hero Type (Select one):[/b] [hider=Comments][color=goldenrod]"Sis here is just a regular human whose good at learning and remembering things.[/color] [color=lawngreen]"I am [i]not![/i] You take that back, or I'm not giving you orbs for a whole month![/color] [color=goldenrod]"You wouldn't.[/color] [color=lawngreen]"Try. Me.[/color][/hider] -Ben: Varies (Metahuman based) -Freya: Metahuman [b]Power Level (Select one below):[/b] Ben: Varies Freya: Street Level [b]Powers (Be Specific):[/b] [u]Freya[/u] -She can instantly and automatically learn any knowledge based skills (Hacking, arithmetic, styles of fighting, weapon use, repairing various things, languages, cooking, etc etc). If she wants to know how to do Kickboxing, she can just watch a kickboxing expert. If she wants to [i]use[/i] the moves of kickboxing, she had better train her body to the physical condition required for that. -Scan others and instantly have an internal list of their knowledge based skills and super powers. -Create marble sized orbs that hold one of the powers she has scanned (If she scans superman, one orb can have his laser eyes or his invincibility, not both). It takes her five uninterrupted minutes to make basic power orbs. It takes her several days to make orbs that are a combination of two powers (if she combined the human torch's ability with Superman's to make the ability to shoot fire from one's eyes for example). Anyone other than her and her brother can swallow these orbs and gain that power for five minutes. [u]Ben[/u] -Can use up to three of the orbs Freya makes and have those powers for an indefinite amount of time, and switch out orbs as he desires. He has super strength, speed, and laser eyes but wants to have the ability to breathe underwater? He gives the orb of laser eyes back to Freya and puts in the orb for breathing under water. -Minor passive abilities based on his current set of powers. For example, if he has superman's strength he'll get a degree of invulnerability so he doesn't tear his muscles and break his bones every time he tries to use his strength. If he has the Flash's speed he'll gain a degree of invulnerability and a brain change so he doesn't tear his muscles and skin off by running and doesn't go smashing into walls because he can't process how fast he's moving. [b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b] [indent] [u]Height[/u] [hider=Comments][color=lawngreen]"We're kinda giants. I think it's because of the experiments by that dick, Cain."[/color] [color=goldenrod]"[i]Some[/i] of us are giants." [i]Quietly snickers.[/i] [/color] [color=lawngreen]"I'm taller than basically all the women in the country! Heck, basically all the men! Just becau-!"[/color] [color=goldenrod]"Whatever you say Shortround.[/color][/hider] Ben- 8ft 3in Freya- 7ft 2in [u]Weight[/u] Ben-330 lbs (Dense Muscle Mass) Freya- 150lbs (Muscle) [u]Strength Level[/u] Ben- Varies Freya- Peak Human [u]Speed/Reaction Timing Level[/u] Ben- Varies Freya- Peak Human [u]Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort[/u] Ben- Varies Freya- Peak Human [u]Agility[/u] Ben- Varies Freya- Peak Human [u]Intelligence[/u] Ben- Average Freya- Genius [u]Fighting Skill[/u] Ben- Trained Freya- Mastered [/indent] [b]Resources:[/b] Large [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [hider=Comments][color=lawngreen]"We need each other. We always have, and we always will. We're all we have left, and we won't let the world take that from us too.[/color] [color=goldenrod]"'The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, lies in its loyalty to each other.'"[/color][/hider] [u]Ben[/u] Ben is wholly dependent upon the orbs his sister makes. If you take them away, he's just an average human who knows how to fight. Still a consideration, but not very much of a threat. In addition, his weakness can expand or shrink depending on what abilities he is using. When Ben is using a new orb for the first time, he has no idea how to really use the power. If he had never had the speed of the Flash before, it would take some getting used to before he could effectively use it. Obviously, the more simple the power the less time it takes for him to use it. [u]Freya[/u] Freya is entirely human. A human with a vast amount of expert knowledge that she increases daily, but a human nonetheless. She relies entirely upon Ben and technology for protection against super powered foes. Her inner catalog merely informs her of the limits and abilities of those she scans, not their weaknesses. For example, she would know how strong superman is, and how fast the flash is, but not the weaknesses of either of Them. She could only guess based on their knowledge and abilities. In addition, if the person she scans has more than one form she can only know the abilities of that form. A werewolf in human form she would only be able to tell you that they can transform into a werewolf. [b]Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):[/b] [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] [b]Sample Post[/b]: [hider=Sample] The two siblings looked up as the alarm went off in the attic of their three story house. It was a relatively bare area. A worn, comfortable couch, behind a stained brown coffee table with a flatscreen TV on the wall in front of it. Standing in the corner was a tall lamp with both lights on, a brown burlap sack filled with what appeared to be hundreds of marbles beneath it. There was a computer with a rolling chair in front of it. Other than that, the dark brown walls and floors were unadorned. The siblings looked at each other for a moment, Ben from their couch, Freya from her position at their computer, before he sighed. [color=goldenrod]"I told you this would be a problem."[/color] Freya frowned, then stuck her tongue out at him as she swiveled back to the computer and began bringing up the securit cameras on the computer. [color=lawngreen]"We had to show that we had power, and what better way to show it than with a victorian style house?"[/color] [color=goldenrod]"What better way to also say 'HEY, HERE WE ARE, WHY DON'T YOU ATTACK US?'"[/color] He replied, setting aside his copy of [i]Don Quixote[/i]. [color=goldenrod]"It was just getting good too."[/color] He grumbled, standing up and stretching. Freya sent her eyes to the heavens, clicking on more security cameras. [color=lawngreen]"Don't be such a baby. There's only twelve of them."[/color] [color=goldenrod]"'Only twelve', she says. As if she's the one who does most of the fighting. Any supers?"[/color] [color=lawngreen]"No. Well trained military types though. So take speed, bulletproof, and strength. I'll follow in that armor we got from the US military."[/color] Ben looked at her incredulously as he walked over to the sack. [color=goldenrod]"Are you nuts? It's, and I quote, 'Highly experimental and prone to failure'.[/color] Freya shrugged her shoulders, opening the attic door down. [color=lawngreen]"It's better than staying up here like a damsel in distress, waiting for you to save me. Besides, you don't have time to argue this point. They're in the kitchen.[/color]" Ben sighed in exasperation, pulling three orbs from the bag. They immediately attached to his right palm, twisting into place. He cracked his neck and hopped from foot to foot, sprinting quickly down the stairs, a blur past her. He was in the kitchen in a heartbeat, rolling his shoulders. The masked men in his kitchen froze, looking at him. There were five of them, all with submachine guns. For a moment, the two sides just stared at each other, seizing their chances. Ben broke the silence with a grim smile. [color=goldenrod]"I don't like uninvited strangers in my home."[/color] He lunged forward, grabbing one and slamming him headfirst into the ground. The man's neck snapped like a twig. Immediately, he threw the body into another man, sending them both through the wall. He didn't get back up. The other three leaped backwards, submachines firing. Ben raised an eyebrow as bullets bounced off his body, then rushed towards them. For her part, Freya was arming herself on the second floor. Having opened their armory (with it's considerable amount of weaponry), she was strapping on the experimental armor the US military had given them in return for a shipment of orbs, forcing down her trepidation. Ben had been right when he said the armor was prone to failure. It was supposed to work like his bulletproof orb, but didn't always. A large amount of the test group had ended up shot anyways, the military seller had warned her. Still, she wasn't going to sit around while her brother did all the fighting, and took all the risks. Holstering a pistol and grabbing an assault rifle, she made her way down the stairs. She calmly walked passed the shouting and fighting in the kitchen, Ben seemed to be enjoying himself,and brought up her gun. There were seven left, and they were aware that they had been discovered. She saw a flicker of movement in the doorway ahead of her (leading to her living room), and fired. As someone gave a cry of pain and crashed into the wall, she smiled. [color=lawngreen]"Thank you, the many marines and ex-soldiers who posted themselves on youtube.[/color] A gun fired in the same room, bullets piercing through the wall, and she dove to the side, gasping in relief as her armor didn't fail her. Yet. [color=lawngreen]"Oh, you cheeky little turd. You're still alive.[/color] She gathered herself, and moved into the room. Ben had finished in the kitchen. There were limp bodies and holes everywhere, but at they could pay someone to fix that. He spun around as he heard more gunfire and the sounds of struggle from his livingroom. In an instant he was there, scanning the situation. Three bodies were on the ground, and Freya was in a fist fight with a fourth. Ben moved over behind her opponent and snapped his neck. Freya huffed at him, breathing hard. [color=lawngreen]"I had him."[/color] [color=goldenrod]"Yeah you did. But we didn't have time for you to do that."[/color] Freya opened her mouth to give some acidic retort when a hissing noise made them both pause. [color=lawngreen]"What's that?[/color] A section of the house exploded. Both Freya and Ben hit the ground as two more explosions rocked the house, a moment of silence coming. Cursing, Ben grabbed her and ran, leaping out the window. [color=goldenrod]"RPGs? Really?![/color] The three remaining attackers all had them, and they were all aimed at the two Dover Twins. Ben didn't give them time to fire. He pushed Freya to the side, and race at them, yanking the weapons out of their hands before they could pull the triggers. Three quick blows later, their bodies joined the rest. Freya was glaring at the flaming remains of their house, muttering under her breath about all the lost orbs. Ben calmly walked up to her, raising an eyebrow at his shorter sister. [color=goldenrod]"Well? What now?[/color]" She turned a baleful eye on him. [color=lawngreen]"Now? Now we find out who did this and we make them pay.[/color][/hider]