[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AxH8deV.png[/img] [color=548b54][h3]Dulga Tarata[/h3][/color] [/center] Dulga sat in class and closed her eyes. Her nap was interrupted during lunch, and she lost her chance to continue after helping Kaida, but hopefully she could get a few winks while waiting for the Hero Gadget Class to start. She closed her eyes for maybe two or three minutes before someone called out to her. It was a boy she's never seen who introduced himself as Ayato. Before Dulga could even look at him he wanted to know what was in her case. [color=548b54][i]"It was good while it lasted."[/i][/color] Dulga sighed and looked at the boy from underneath her hood. She tugged her cloak closer to her body to hide her arms, though they were already seen. [color=548b54]"I brought this for myself."[/color] Dulga said plainly. She wasn't keen on sharing her mother's weapons, and she knew if she told anyone what was inside they'd either freak out or demand to see it. While Dulga knew she couldn't keep it a secret for long, she wasn't going to let just anyone see it. Shortly after more students came. A girl with long hair and a cane walked in, and Dulga immediately knew she was blind. Her quirk her skills must be very impressive if she could make it through the exam despite her disability. She introduced herself as Yozakura Yukari. Though to no surprise the girl might've been lost and wanted to know if this was the Hero Gadget Class. [color=548b54]"It is."[/color] Shortly after Yukari arrived Mamoru entered the room. Dulga heard her before she saw her. The energetic girl gave Dulga a brief notice while she immediately went to talk to the other two. Suited Dulga just fine. She wasn't that much of a talker. And lastly Acion entered the room and this was when Dulga went back to sleep. She wasn't sure if she had bad luck or if that guy was following Dulga. She just hoped that this was a chance encounter and not something more sinister. As everyone was chatting away Dulga crossed her legs and held onto her suitcase tightly with two hands. She wasn't going to let anyone mess with her mother's gun or there would be hell to pay. She could deal with stupid people, but anyone who tried to steal her few mementos from her mother would find a big hole where their face was. In the meantime Dulga hoped that class would start soon. Once she gets her baby in her hands she'd feel so much better. [@Conscripts][@Lucius Cypher][@Ryonara][@rechonq]