[quote=@rush99999] [h2][b]Newcomer Introduction Thread Section[/b][/h2] [hr] [h3]Federation Servers Shutdown Moments After I Had Registered On Here[/h3] 2995.09.25. I would have said hello to everyone here after I had registered, but the shutdown happened only a few seconds after that so I had to wait for the Fed's IT guys to get their collective asses in gear like the rest of. Honestly, if my IT guys took this long to fix my important stuff they'd be looking for new jobs. Hell, they still haven't gotten the map or contracts working again even. You think Hugo could afford people who knew what they were doing with all the money he has stashed in the Merc Fed vault. I was getting too far off track, so I started a new paragraph. I wanted to say hi to you all so...hi. If you don't know who I am, my name is Manny Davidson and I run Manny's Mechs, the best mech dealership chain this side of the Great Attractor. If you're wondering why I'm on the Merc Fed Forums, it's because I decided to give Manny's Mechs a Guns for Hire branch out of sheer boredom and I heard this was the best place I could come to if I wanted to get in on some contracts. So yeah. [hider=TL;DR] Hugo needs better IT guys and I opened a merc company for shits and giggles. [/hider] [/quote] [center][img]http://t07.deviantart.net/CYMpl7v6eVA4hhBjPo8sOYnF3Kg=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre09/39ca/th/pre/i/2012/180/3/c/misc_bg_element_png_by_dbszabo1-d55atzu.png[/img][h3]E.R.I.S.[/h3] [hr][/center] Welcome to the Federation, Commander. Rest assured that the administration is working at its capacity to bring the extranet server back to full functionality. Estimated time until the Cartographer, and contracts are back online is twenty-four hours. The administration asks that you bear with them as final repairs to the server are made.