[quote=@BlackBishop] [center][img]http://t07.deviantart.net/CYMpl7v6eVA4hhBjPo8sOYnF3Kg=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre09/39ca/th/pre/i/2012/180/3/c/misc_bg_element_png_by_dbszabo1-d55atzu.png[/img][h3]E.R.I.S.[/h3] [hr][/center] Welcome to the Federation, Commander. Rest assured that the administration is working at its capacity to bring the extranet server back to full functionality. Estimated time until the Cartographer, and contracts are back online is twenty-four hours. The administration asks that you bear with them as final repairs to the server are made. [/quote] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/33c64843-d4df-4499-a55b-b9ce4fc78b12.jpg[/img][h3]Manny[/h3] [hr][/center] 24 hours huh? Good to know. That'll give me more than enough time to make sure the mercs I rounded up for this are as ready to go as they were a few days back.