[hr][hr][center][h1][color=8040bf]Eudora Esmeralda Erebus[/color] and [color=6F7B70]Daniyal Lohi [/color][/h1][/center][center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9jkr4EFxL1rw1mux.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=8040bf][b]Location: Fairgrounds[/b][/color] [color=8040bf][b]Interacting With: No one[/b][/color][/center][hr][hr] Eudora, of course, lied when she told Sera Emmie needed medical attention. Emmie didn't need anything. Because dead bodies don't [i]need[/i]. But it was a white lie, a justified lie. Or at least Eudora saw it that way. She wanted to instill hope in everyone. Hope carried people far, hope brought people back from the brink of death. Hope could do everything. Eudora placed a reassuring hand on Emmie's body, trying to give her hope. But hope wasn't saving her. Hope was doing nothing. Eudora hoped and hoped and hoped, but nothing. She felt Emmie's body cool, felt her body go limp, saw her eyes glaze over and dim. And in that moment, Eudora lost all hope. All confidence. A crushed, guttural whine escaped Eudora's throat that held all the grief she felt. The noise sounded tired and worn down, so soft that it seemed like it could shatter in the air. Eudora bowed her head, an ancient tear falling down her cheek from her unused tear ducts. Eudora couldn't remember the last time she cried, the last time she felt so hopeless and weak and small. A few years ago she killed a child without a second thought, but now, seeing this innocent perish before her eyes inspired a grief within her that she might never escape from. Daniyal bowed his head too, not out of respect or a mutual sadness but rather from blood loss. He too might die soon. Eudora lifted her head, eyes still puffy and wrinkles clogged with salty tears, to see Andromeda with her too. [color=9999ff]"Eudora...If that gave Mephistopheles a boost, maybe it can help Daniyal."[/color] Eudora nodded and dragged herself up, back arched and head lowered as she went to retrieve the cloak. She draped it over the young witch's body, taking a handful of the cloak too, and recited the same incantation. She felt even more exhausted now. Eudora wobbled back to Emmie's body again and placed a hand on her head, a gesture of a blessing, and muttered in that same exhausted fashion [color=8040bf]"I'm so sorry, so, so sorry,"[/color] to her before she sat back down against the wall, fists clenched on the sides of her head. Feeling so defeated, feeling like such a screw-up. And the talk of being stuck here forever just worsened that.