The human Doctor sat where he was quietly, It had been a few days since they had been left on bad wolf bay. Though they had kissed, he felt more like Rose was pushing him away then accepting him, He sighed and sipped his tea. He knew that it was hard for her. He just felt like she was hurting his feelings. "Rose... I..," He didn't know what to say, They had mostly been arguing since been left on that beach. He did try hard to not loose his temper. But today he just felt so hurt and angry, He still had feelings, and he didn't see himself as just a copy. He was getting a bit angry that she had not said an entire thing to him all day. Plus he didn't want to go to sleep crying again. "I"m not just a copy!!" He finally shouted. "I'm still the Doctor." He might not be the Doctor she had travelled with, but he had his memories and felt the same. He stood up again and was looking at Rose. He had no idea how she would react to that. But he was getting hurt enough. He was already trying to adjust to his human body. The Doctor was looking at her with a serious look.