Ceria seemed taken aback by Daisy's perceived saucy disregard for the warning. [color=39b54a] "Well sor-ry then. Just looking out for you,"[/color] she muttered at the plant lady's back as the elf trudged behind after a minute delay, rather deflated, to resume a post just outside the room. She took it upon herself to keep an arrow nocked in case of combat, but kept her bow pointed down with both hands so that she appeared more nonchalant and - hopefully - willing to see reason. It was her hope that some of these merpeople might be more willing to talk things out rather than just blindly start attacking them. Then again, that was probably illogical given whatever unholy purpose they stuffed two humanoids into tanks for. She shook her head as the fresh memories of the horrid events in the cathedral above washed over her. A few singed strands fell to the floor with the motion, gently reminding the elf that her entire back side was still covered in a fine layer of soot from the drake's fire breath attacks. How had she not noticed the drake at the front of the room? Yes it was tiny, but it was bright red for gods' sake! She was supposed to be the party's expert on creatures and she had nearly fallen victim to one hiding on the floor facefirst. What had she been thinking? She stamped a booted foot angrily on the smooth stone floor beneath her and the sound echoed slightly in front of her. She turned to look over her shoulder into the room and couldn't really make out what was going on, but she frankly couldn't be bothered at the moment. The potential dangers lay behind them for the most part and Ceria would rather be damned to hell than let herself get snuck up on again.