[quote=@Muttonhawk] *Warm welcome by way of excited inarticulate screeching* [/quote] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jm_eUQSYAk[/youtube] [quote=@Scarifar] *Comes out of hidey hole* Oh ho Lugu. *Goes back in* [/quote] [img]http://ekladata.com/YjeEmPKH7AKcU58Yu6RI4EYauK0.png[/img] [quote=@Kho] [@Lugubrious] Ten thousand years will give you more than a crick in the neck, ah can tell you that xP We're just chugging along here at Divinus Inc., as one does. And yes, our new overlords by broad consensus are now Mutton, BBeast, and Termite. This is still not a democracy though, obviously xD [/quote] Ah, I see. I have a year's worth of development to catch up on.