Lex's attempt to keep watch so as to intercept any possible unwanted pursuers was cut short by the unmistakable sounds of glass shattering and infighting. Exhaling loudly, he trudged towards the cacophony's source, squinting at the scene that unfolded before him as he approached. Upon taking a moment to examine the two captives, one of which was still submerged, he immediately struck the container with an ungraceful swipe. The blow was powerful enough to scatter shards of glass across the room and possibly splatter the garments of anyone nearby with whatever filthy liquid filled these tanks held. The prisoner's well being, however, did not seem to be Lex's main concern. Instead, he was quick to address them both, and locked eyes with the clearly conscious dwarf. "Tell us of the ones who seized you." [hider= Lex did a thing.] Lex moves inside the room with the tanks, and breaks the remaining one, having rolled a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/4324]10[/url] for hit and a [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/4325]15[/url] for damage. [/hider]