Neil told Lonney to keep Auxiliary power on just in case, and he slipped on down the cockpit access corridor. He skidded to a stop next to one of the many armory portals, and he popped it open to grab his ARC Rifle. He had his sidearm on him at all times when he wasn't sleeping or doing things like entertaining a lady. Then again, him having it might have helped him out a few times in that regard, come to think of it. He'd consider that later. Neil stopped behind Sayeeda, and grinned when he saw a relaxed bounced to her step. He realized he could have had a bunch of assholes as Captains. At least she was competent and had a cool, experienced head on her shoulders. The cockpit door opened, and she made her way down to greet the 'welcoming' committee. Neil kept his comm on, but stayed near the bay and relatively hidden, just in case. His ARC gun would need good vantage. One shot from it could take out multiple unarmored targets, so he would need to be elevated so as not to hit Sayeeda. Briefly he had the thought that hitting her might not be a bad thing, but he shook the thought away. That wasn't his actual opinion or preference, just his instincts kicking in. He'd had to do some unsavory things in order to survive alone, and he'd had to watch even worse things done by those he called allies. He might never betray someone like that, but seeing it happen often enough, and he'd see the option open even if he'd never take it himself. The gentlemen in front of the 'soldiers' looked to be in the latter part of his life, though by no means decrepit or elderly. Experienced and long-time ambition were better terms for him. Not particularly big or strong, with a beer gut and an average height, he nevertheless had a dangerous steel to his eyes, and a knowing smile. "Hello," he said, his wide hat shielding him from the relentless sun. He wore a green tanktop and cargo pants, along with sturdy boots that seemed mandatory on this jungle world. "I'm curious. You see, when I see a freighter like...[i]that[/i], landing on my planet. I wonder who could be driving her, and for what purpose." He let the words hang in the air for a moment. "You do realize that in order to dock on my planet, you need to schedule 2 galactic standard weeks in advance, don't you?" He looked Sayeeda straight in the eye, though he had a tendency to gesture with his hands. "On Savran, you follow [i]my[/i] rules, or you get the fuck off." The wind picked up a bit. "Now, that ship you have was just good enough for me to let you land, because as I said I'm curious. But there's going to be a toll, and that toll can increase if you don't have a good answer on who you are, and why you're here. Understood?" Behind him, she could see one of the guardsmen anxiously grip his weapon, though it was trained on nothing. So far. [@Penny]