After she had easily disposed of his onslaught of attacks with little effort, Zodiark retreated to the same position he was before. He then observed any movement she made so he would be able to figure out what she was going to next. However, that proved to be easier thought than done. She was a master at making sure her poker face was absolutely flawless. Only when she actually started and he saw what had surrounded them would he figure out exactly what she was planning. To anyone else, it would’ve been too little, too late, but for him it was a matter of gauging which glyph would produce which attack. Encompassing the entire inner layer of the Seraph Cavern, about twenty light, and purification glyphs surrounded the two. In that same moment, beams and swords of light shot at Zodiark at the same time. Additionally, Zodiark noticed that Shion came darting at him. When she came at him, Zodiark switched auras from yellow to a combo of red and green, alternating between the two constantly. The outward appearance made it seem like he was like a tree during a celebration. It came at the right time, too; for Shion reached him and the various blasts of light magick and swords of light came at him. He zipped through the air, floating as he moved like the wind. Each time multiple blasts and swords came for him, he zipped past them as each attack would collide with each other, resulting in a blast of light. This happened multiple times as Zodiark displayed a higher mastery over Michel’s gifts than the young man had himself; though Zodiark was overconfident. He missed three: two shots of holyga and one of the purification swords. They didn’t land a direct hit, but the blasts grazed the back of his neck and the sword got him in the front at his right rib cage. This caused him to lose his focus and start to freefall from above. And of course, Shion seized the opportunity and seemed to go straight towards him and continue her assault. Just mere inches away, Zodiark caught himself and as Shion seemed to strike downward, aiming to end the fight early, Zodiark made a move out of desperation. His eyes flashed and he held out his arm. As if the blink of those eyes, a glyph quickly appeared and tentacles of black mist manifested, grabbing Shion by the waist. Zodiark rotated his body, bringing his arm around and as he swung it towards the ground below, Shion would be swung towards it too. Just before she would hit the ground, however, Zodiark used his other hand to cause the tentacles to explode while they were still wrapped around Shion. They would explode as soon as she made contact on the ground regardless if she somehow evaded the direct impact with the ground.