Selena was right in front of the smart ass who was eating the fucking chips in the middle of the scavenging. Her right eye twitched at the sound of the bag being manhandled and she slowly turned, her feet shifting on the spot. [color=#F90A0A]"What the fuck is wrong with you."[/color] She deadpanned in a whisper, the intensity of her judging the man who was chewing without an absolute care that he might be announcing their position was so very noticeable. It was as transparent as water and only a shithead wouldn't notice it. Her brows were furrowed, not accepting of the male's antics. Her gaze moved from the bag of chips to the man's backpack while her mouth formed a tight line across the lower half of her face. The idea was clear and, thankfully, he wasn't a complete idiot and actually was sensitive enough to put it away as she had motioned. Pleased, Selena turned back to the door and waited, sharp axe on the ready and her trusty Ruger SR22 waiting patiently against her lower back, held by her short's tight waistband, for any possible emergency her axe couldn't cover. As their leader, Rick, opened the door, everyone pointed at the space it had occupied, covering every angle they could. What they found inside, though, was to first glance no threat. A young woman that apparently had hurt herself with her hands up and shelves with loot greeting them right behind her. Her blue eyes did a once over at the girl. Her orbs moved to the scavenging galore and started to analyze every single product that could be useful for them and their needs, knowing pretty good her mates would assess the woman perfectly well on their own. They walked in an started to check the entire room for any possible threat. After securing every crook and cranny, Vincent went straight for the loot, grabbing at cans, checking expiration dates on cereals, breads and all that shit would be needed to feed all the mouths that awaited them back at HQ. Taking her backpack off, she opened it and started storing away what she deemed a must first; water, pads, deodorant, the few pain killers, canned food and so on while also minding the weight she was going to be carrying around.