[@Zarkun] The exquisite silence left in the wake of Rave's thrust into the fray was interrupted almost immediately by a blood-curdling scream. It seemed to come from much farther off, but that was because the lungs doing all that work were already on the other side of the Door... a perfectly round three foot hole, just wide enough to swallow the crow-faced man among them. He had managed to grasp at the lip of the hole, or rather the pavement that seemed to just begin again. It was difficult to tell where the pavement ended and the emptiness began--difficult to tell what the crow-faced man had grabbed onto, or where his hand ended and the hole began. [i]And the Door registered in Rave's mind as well[/i], an... emptiness that felt [i]exactly[/i] like the memory Akagalcia had shared with him. He knew that if he focused too hard on that Door with his mind for even a moment, he would feel all the pain that Akagalcia had shared with him, with none of her training to shield him. The realization came with her surface thoughts at the same time. Akagalcia did not even seem to notice the door, impossibly sprinting over it and driving her kukri into the heart of another man with such force that he heaved bodily almost a foot into the air. He had been frozen in terror. It was like stabbing a sack of grain. She lurched backward, half-stumbling as she wrenched her kukri from the man's chest and fell to a crouch drectly above the Door, steadying herself with her free hand again, and taking the time to wipe the flat of her kukri against one of her cheeks, painting it red. It had not even been ten seconds between the moment when the Door simply... [i]was[/i] underneath crow-face and this one, Akagalcia crouching over the Door with one man dead on his feet and crow-face screaming for dear life. [color=darkgreen]"Please help!! Jal! Fenti! SOMEBODY!"[/color] crow-face screamed from his ledge. But none dared approach. None of them dared to [i]move.[/i] Where Rave had only stunned them, Akagalcia now had them mesmerized... paralyzed. "You are [i]not[/i] nice people."