There was her chance before her, and without a moment's hesitation, Shion raised her blade. She had him right where she wanted him, but unfortunately, he knew as well. The spell had wrapped itself around her waist, promptly halting her assault. She extended her hand in an attempt to counter, though she was interrupted when she was suddenly pulled--no, thrown down to the ground. She didn't think, her petals glowing as she prepared herself for the landing, but unfortunately, her arm would react to Zodiark's magicks, any spell she had thought to conjure whisked away. Her body collided with the crystal, something she had braced for, but she found herself ill prepared for the explosion that would follow suit. A cry of surprise left her unwillingly, and she felt the crystal underneath crack beneath her. Everything was quiet for a few seconds as the dust settled around them. Shion lay face down, having taken the brunt of the attack. It was almost nostalgic how he managed to one up her yet again. But she wasn't going to die here--not yet. Her hand formed into a fist as she punched the ground, the magicks of the crystal stirring beneath them once more. Her petals dug themselves into the crystal, forming several blue roses scattered about around the ground. Each one would shoot forth a vine, about a dozen or so, each vine wrapped in thorns for the sole purpose of getting him to stand still. Meanwhile, Shion was focusing on getting up, forcing herself to shaky feet. He had caught her off guard--she couldn't let that happen again. Taking in a breath, several petals reformed themselves onto her hair as she gripped her blade tightly, though her vision swayed. She shook it off, instead choosing to engage him once more. [hr] Nadeline was, for once, at a complete loss. It had been some time since she had been completely stumped. She wasn’t the type to rule out the impossible, no matter how improbable, but Grant wasn’t exactly helping her out either. Everything looked completely peachy—nothing swollen or enlarged, no rash, no fever, it was as if his voice had suddenly up and walked out. He could conjure perhaps a word or two if he tried hard enough, but she didn’t want him to strain himself. Her initial thought of an infection was also quickly disproved as she had him down every concoction she could get her hands on. Besides giving him nausea, he didn’t improve. Lorenzo seemed to be having a field day with the entire situation, eagerly helping out Nadeline and often forcing Grant to down whatever mixture she came up with. Still, after Grant would put up more of a fight than usual, he had to have Nadeline lay off. “[color=darkorange]He’s always quiet anyway, so it’s not a total loss,[/color]” He grinned at his brother, who gave him a rather deadpan stare. Keiran chuckled, though he was resting his head on his arms. “[color=gray]I get it…’cause he’s usually sulking,[/color]” He explained the joke to himself. “[color=coral]If you’re going to offer no help, go rest,[/color]” Nadeline ordered him as she would take a seat, crossing her legs over one another. “[color=coral]As for Grant, well…hopefully time will be kind to him.[/color]” Grant smiled, forming a pair of scissors with his hand and snipping something in the air. Lorenzo laughed. “[color=darkorange]He’s right, you’re snippier than usual,[/color]” He explained. “[color=darkorange]Guess you don’t like to lose, just like your old man![/color]” The princess let out a sigh, scratching a spot on her shoulder. “[color=coral]My apologies. Admittedly I’ve been in a rather foul mood since yesterday,[/color]” She stated. “[color=coral]I wasn’t able to sleep because my back’s been rather sore.[/color]” Lorenzo narrowed his eyes, as if realizing something. “[color=darkorange]Weight gain, back pain, fatigue, mood swings…you, uh…haven’t been nauseous, have you…?[/color]” He asked, his tone suddenly suspicious. Grant seemed confused by it, looking between Nadeline and Lorenzo. The princess thought to herself for a moment. “[color=coral]I don’t think so, though admittedly I wasn’t able to eat everything Wesley had served since it made me…feel…[/color]” Her voice trailed off. Reia looked up from her document, her eyes wide. Keiran also looked up, surprised. “[color=gray]Are you pregnant?[/color]” He blurted out. A complete silence fell over the room, every single eye on Nadeline. No, that wasn’t possible. It wasn’t like they would be able to get away with something like that anyway! Although, the more Grant thought about it—remembering how frisky Nadeline in particular had been—an unfamiliar sense of dread seemed to overcome him. He looked at Nadeline with pleading eyes, begging her to refute the accusation. The princess herself had a rather…nervous expression, a weak laugh leaving her as she began to fan herself. Keiran blinked in confusion, though he seemed to know what Grant wanted to say. “[color=gray]Uh…I think there’s no way that’s possible…?[/color]” He looked at Grant for confirmation, who nodded. “[color=gray]Yeah, there you go! It’s not like you and Wesley share a bed or anything.[/color]” Nadeline let out another nervous laugh. “[color=coral]Of—Of course not! Wesley is a perfect gentleman![/color]” Her extremely unconvincing answer came much too hurriedly. “[color=coral]We are engaged after all, I—that is to say, our wedding night will be—I, um…[/color]” Her flustered answers weren’t helping out at all, and she had nowhere to turn to for help. “[color=coral]It’s…I, um, it’s—it’s only recently that I haven’t been feeling well! Yes, that’s it, it’s all fatigue, we have been fighting nonstop for some time without sufficient rest![/color]” Reia raised her eyebrows at Nadeline. “[color=turquoise]Wow. That was terrible, the only part I believed was Wesley being a gentleman,[/color]” She flat out stomped on Nadeline’s ‘defense’, if you could even call it that. “[color=turquoise]So you’re not only sharing a bed, you’ve clearly crossed into the physical portion of your relationship. Bravo, Wesley, I wasn’t sure he had it in him. Good to know Dalmasca’s future is bright.[/color]” Lorenzo looked like he was on the verge of tears at that point. “[color=darkorange]Nadeline, I can’t believe you![/color]” He sounded sincerely disappointed, his words hitting Nadeline like a stone wall. “[color=coral]No—Father, I assure you, it’s not what you think,[/color]” She hastily tried to explain herself, though she couldn’t help but feel she was just digging herself a deeper hole. “[color=coral]I…It’s not how you think it. I love Wesley, Father, truly.[/color]” “’[color=darkorange]We’re not talking about love! We’re talking about how you two—I can’t—AHHHHHH![/color]” He wailed, head in his hands as he sobbed. “[color=darkorange]Where did I go wrong?! I did my best to raise you with values! And now look, bearing a child while unmarried! I didn’t want you to make the same mistakes I did! I’m a failure![/color]” “[color=gray]Ouch, ‘values’, it’s almost like he’s calling you a whore,[/color]” Keiran shook his head. The princess gave him a rather dangerous look. “[color=coral][i]Leave[/i].[/color]” It was a single word, but the pure anger behind it was actually frightening for Grant. “[color=gray]There’s that mood swing again,[/color]” Keiran grinned, though he would do as he was told as he would stand, giving the group a wave as he would walk out. Letting out a huff, she shook her head. Gods, what a mess, her father was probably going to drown in his own tears at this point. She didn’t dare look at her future in-laws—no doubt they were probably judging her very harshly and would probably have a few choice words for her. How did she lose the conversation so quickly?! She couldn’t think straight, she felt completely humiliated. And nauseous. Oh gods, would it be too inconspicuous if she just threw herself out the window to die now? She was almost entirely certain everything was being exaggerated, but the moment Keiran had opened his mouth, there was a sinking feeling in the bottom of her stomach. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to have Wesley's child—they had discussed their future in great lengths, after all—but it was [i]terrible[/i] timing. Apparently, it was too much, and she would stand up, clearing her throat. “[color=coral]I…I need to go find Wesley…[/color]” She muttered. [hr] Meanwhile, Keiran whistled as he walked through the hallways once more. It was a little mean to plant the idea in their heads, sure, but at the very least, it would keep them occupied, if only for a little bit. He made his way back to Emiri’s room, opening the door. She had seen better days—she was completely still, paler than ever, though she did watch as he would take Jaakuna’s old seat near her bed. He watched her for a moment, intrigued. She said nothing, though she looked like she had something to say. “[color=gray]Worried, are we?[/color]” He asked her, a hand on his chin. “[color=gray]I’m surprised you cut our connection. When did you learn that trick?[/color]” Emiri stared back at him for a moment. “[color=pink]At first, it was because I didn’t want you to end up as sick as I was, but…[/color]” She gave him a serious look. “[color=pink]Now that I’ve had time to think…what I’m feeling now…I’ve been through it before. You did this to me back in Stigma.[/color]” She remembered? He was impressed. “[color=gray]And you’re relieved? Though I can assure you that this time it isn’t me.[/color]” He smiled confortingly. “[color=pink]You forced my connection to the Word before. That’s where I ended up gaining those dark powers…but it was incomplete.[/color]” She told him, a serious expression on her face. “[color=pink]You’re always saying it’s a two way street, but I can’t read your mind the way you can read mine. It’s like you’re intentionally blocking me from doing so.[/color]” His smile faded, the two staring at one another as he would stand. He walked over, taking the warm towel from her head. As he walked into the bathroom, she could hear the water running. He returned, seeing her sit up entirely. “[color=gray]You really should rest easy. Don’t want to go upsetting Jaakuna, right?[/color]” He told her. “[color=pink]It’s funny, I’ve been so delusional I’ve been seeing things,[/color]” She shook her head at him. “[color=pink]But when everything settles, even if it’s just for a moment, everything becomes so clear to me. Keiran…you wanted to me to go back with Jaakuna, didn’t you?[/color]” She asked him. At first, he remained silent, studying her features. Despite her still flushed face, she looked very serious. He shrugged, turning away, though she grabbed his wrist with a strength that was very unlike her. Her grip was tight—you wouldn’t think she was sick if you didn’t look at her—and she glared at him. “[color=gray]Now, now…you really should rest,[/color]” He told her quietly. She narrowed her eyes, her grip on him tighter. “[color=pink]Whatever it is that you're planning, it better end here.[/color]” That was when Keiran chuckled, giving her a slight shrug. “[color=gray]Have I done anything to warrant such an accusation? Really, I’ve been at my best behavior,[/color]” He said, though he would raise his arm, nearly pulling her off the bed, though he yanked himself away from her. She would stand, her intention of attacking him clear, though she found her whole body weak once more. He wagged a finger in disapproval, poking her forehead hard enough that she fell back onto the bed. “[color=gray]See? You’re not well. All these crazy thoughts of yours are just the fever talking.[/color]” He pointed out, placing the cloth on her forehead. She would grab his wrist once more, eyes burning with rage. “[color=pink]I don’t care what happens to me, but if you so much hurt any of them in any way—[/color]” This time he would pin both her arms to her sides, getting in very close. “[color=gray]Then you should behave.[/color]” He said quietly, though he would release her, stretching his arms above his head. “[color=gray]I’m going to go rest now. Be sure to take it easy~[/color]” He stated, giving her a smile as he left the room. Emiri gripped the blankets around her, staring at the closed door. She wasn’t crazy—he was planning something. But what?