As anyone who has roleplayed with me before likely knows, I absolutely detest character sheets. In spite of this fact, I recognize that they are a necessary evil and as such, I have provided the template of the character sheet. Remember that when it comes to a good character sheet, less really is more. [b]Enterprise name:[/b] The name of your mining outfit [b]Leader name:[/b] The name of your outfit's leader. [b]Enterprise bio:[/b] Briefly describe how the leader of your outfit came to arrive on Ember. What are his/her motivations for risking everything for the chance to strike it rich mining baltuskite on Ember? Where did the start-up capital for this venture come from? [b]Starting crew:[/b] The number of initial crewmembers your outfit is arriving. Are you going to Ember alone, or are you bringing friends? Many hands make light work, but interstellar travel is not cheap. The freighter company charges 250 credits per head for transport to Ember. [b]Start-up capital:[/b] How many credits do you have at your disposal? You have two options here: [u]Determine your own credits.[/u] The maximum starting credits is 3,000. You can choose to start with fewer for RP purposes. [u]Allow the GM to roll for your credits.[/u] I will multiply the initial 3,000 credits by a rolled number. This could give you many more starting credits, but it could also result in you starting with substantially fewer. [b]Starting location:[/b] Where the freighter dropship will drop you and your gear off on the planet's surface. Can be a picture or a grid coordinate. Some of you have requested to roleplay an individual rather than a mining outfit, and I am amenable to this. If you wish to roleplay as an individual, please use the character sheet template provided below. [b]Individual name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] The history of your character, their motivations for coming to Ember, and what they hope to achieve on this planet. [b]Starting location:[/b]