Two seconds of thought was all it took for Rhazii to say "Deal." Though Fendros was partly concerned that Rhazii would hurt himself trying to push his limits, he saw Ahnasha's move as a smart one. If anyone could demonstrate how long Rhazii's road ahead was, even if he learned the hard way, it was Ri'vashi. "We'll come to visit as soon as we can, okay?" Fendros said. He wrapped an arm around Rhazii and hugged him, even if he was still too defiant to return it. "Farewell. Take care, son." With that, the pack put on their helmets and moved to proceed through the portal. They rushed through, encouraging Leaps to pick up the pace as the most lumbering member of their team. Janius cursed upon processing the speeding shape striking Ahnasha's chest. They had prepared for an ambush. That did not dampen the shock. Janius paced forward and raised his shield in formation with Kaleeth. The volley of arrows was ineffectual against his shield and armour, but he could not helpfully strike back without knowing what they were up against. Fendros bit his tongue to not shout out to Ahnasha. He caught her before she could fall backwards. Janius tossed an explosive fireball overhand to hit the ground ahead and obscure them with a short flume of smoke and fire. The time bought would allow them to form up and try to see their assailants. Sabine was the second-to-last through the portal behind Meesei due to her being required to maintain it. With eyes wide and heart pumping, she defaulted to assisting her pack. She took Ahnasha from Fendros and brought healing magic to her hands. A rapid diagnosis and treatment were in order while she was surrounded by the shields of her pack. Rhazii might have said something had he predicted the events beyond. Fendros looked back right before the portal winked shut to see his previously cross face frozen into shock and fear. "Where are they?!" Fendros shouted. He had an arrow nocked for the first enemy that broke cover.