[@Normie] Sure. If we get enough interest I'll tag you in the OOC once it comes up. To answer your questions: 1. I'm planning for some vague fantasy elements, yeah. Magic "exists" but is really vague and abstract, to the style of Game of Thrones even. For example, the Lorekeepers are mages. I'm currently kicking around a "Voidtouched" concept that's effectively when someone goes into space and between them leaving and coming back, something happened to give them supposed visions, make their eyes a sheer black, and some other traits. The lorekeepers would all be voidtouched who didn't go insane. If it interests you, you're definitely welcome to play one. 2. Myar itself is a desolate wasteland below the mountains. More or less on the money with Fallout, if not more desolate and unforgiving. The mountains are the most hospitable places on the planet, hence why the hermit communities have set up and walled up there. It'll likely be a profession among the mountain hermit communities to explore beyond the walls, Path of the Ranger or something like that. It'll be Rangers who found the new ship. 3. Definitely multiple planets, yeah, and I'll admit they'll be made up as we go lmao. What'll be there, though.. who knows? Spooky cataclysms dude.