The tables had turned. This time, Sarah was the one unable to find the right words. "It's nothing." Prompto attempted to play it off as if going after a murderous monster wasn't a big deal. The words left his mouth without him realizing it. It wasn't that he had an ego -- it was just the opposite. His offer didn't come from vanity, he wanted to help, and hoped to impress her in the process. She didn't seem convinced. With a nervous laugh, Prompto gave her a thumbs up. "No, really! We do stuff like this all the time!" Well, this was partially true. Up until now, they'd taken on smaller foes. Judging by his name alone, Deadeye was a force to be reckoned with. Upon seeing the two, Noctis stepped away from the chocobo he'd been petting. Ignis pocketed his notebook, nodding in acknowledgement. "All set?" Gladiolus observed them, his burly arms folded across his chest. "There you two are. Thought you'd gotten lost," he joked, then raised an eyebrow as Sarah expressed her concerns towards the youngest member of their group. "Y-yeah! I'll be careful!" Prompto could hardly believe it. Was she actually [i]concerned[/i] about him? The realization left him in a daze. He wasn't worthy! He held his camera a little closer to his heart, unable to take his eyes away from the building she'd vanished to. "What was that all about?" Noctis had an inkling he knew, but he wanted Prompto to explain. Ignis adjusted his glasses, equally as suspicious. "Prompto?" [i]Uh oh.[/i] Explanation time. Slowly, Prompto turned to face his friends. "Um...well, I kinda offered to help," he rubbed the back of his head with a nervous chuckle, hopeful that they would be on board. "Y'know, with the Deadeye problem." Gladiolus leaned against one of the fence posts. "And by 'I', you mean we," he corrected, arms still folded. "Well...yeah." Prompto remained hopeful. "But it's for a good cause! Think of the chocobos!" Noctis smirked. Deadeye would prove an interesting challenge, plus they'd be able to help the ranch and everyone on it. "Well, I'm game." Ignis was a little more levelheaded. "We don't even know where this...[i]thing[/i] is," he reminded the group as the door opened. All four looked towards Sarah, sharing a look of surprise when she offered to take them there in person. "You're certain about this? It could -- and will undoubtedly be -- dangerous." Ignis looked to the others for their input. If they agreed to go, so would he, but he didn't want Sarah to agree without reminding her of the dangers involved. Prompto didn't know [i]how[/i] to feel. On one hand, he would get to be with Sarah a little while longer before they departed. On the other, he didn't want to put her at risk. Sure, they worked marvelously as a team, but traveling to Deadeye's location sounded daunting. Enemies lurked around every corner. "Sarah, are you sure? Ignis is'll be dangerous." Ironically enough, now Prompto was the one expressing his concern for her. Gladiolus shrugged with one shoulder. "We'll keep her safe," he was less concerned with the idea and more laid back than the others were. It wasn't as if they'd bring her anywhere near Deadeye, and the chances of finding the monster's location before nightfall were slim if they didn't have a guide. "Just in case,'d probably be best if you had a weapon." Noctis told the girl, half-wondering if she would have access to one. " do have one, right?"