[quote=@catchamber] racism: racial prejudice or discrimination discrimination: the quality or power of finely distinguishing It's also not very sciencey, because [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bc/61/78/bc61783bd4405614389180c8e7f33c40--albino-model-natural-hairstyles.jpg]Goku[/url] is somehow black, and [url=http://a.abcnews.com/images/Health/abc_blue_man_thg_130925_16x9_992.jpg]Papa Smurf[/url] is somehow white. Even the color blind can tell you that's wrong. [/quote] My irony radar has always been notoriously weak, I'm not sure what position you are taking here. And I'm pretty sure goku is an alien, so he's no more 'asian' than superman is 'white' if we want to get nitpicky.