[color=fff79a][b]Hazel Baker[/b][/color][hr] A field of grass extends for miles around, with only a few boulders here and there on the gentle hills around. A dirt path cuts it way through, a path seldom used from the weeds starting to grow in it. A brown haired girl runs around the weaving path, humming as she did so, wearing a bright white sundress and a straw hat. There was none but the sound of the girl humming as well as the gentle breeze moving the grass. So why was it that [i]she[/i] felt heavy and lethargic? She moved towards the girl, trying to follow in her path, but the grass seemed to grow faster behind that girl, covering the path in grass as thick as the rest of the sward. It stuck to her, impeding her every step, leaving her further and further behind. [color=fff79a]"Hey, _________?"[/color] That girl turned back, peering over her direction. Without thinking, she extended her hand, realizing too late the black chitinous material covering it. The girl crumbled to dust before her, as did a vast swathe of grass in front of her. [color=fff200][center]***[/center][/color] Hazel woke up with a jolt, staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. Her first instinct was to drop the two guards there, seeing as they were too close to react quickly if she just moved now. Having recognized their uniform, she simply leaned back in her bed. She was alive. That was surprising; she had not a single doubt she would have died once she took off that collar and set out to fight that giant. Her blood had been boiling then, she was certain that even if she took down that giant, she would start destroying everything until she destroyed herself. Whatever happened there, she did not remember, but it lead to her being alive. Emma would be alive too, since she was going to run. Would her collar still be in her hands? It wasn't bad for now, but she would definitely need the collar and her drugs if she wanted to keep everything away. Her train of thought was suddenly derailed, her attention captured by a long chain by her bed. It wasn't attached to anything interesting, but the way it hung and where it was placed just begged for her to pull it. Stretching out her hand, she grabbed it firmly, and gave it a firm pull. Tilting her head slightly, she started yanking on the chain rapidly.