[center] [h1]The Kingdom of Zellonia[/h1] [h2][img]http://img08.deviantart.net/28f2/i/2016/056/1/4/random_fictional_english_flag_by_captainvoda-d46x97b.png [/img][/h2][/center] [center][color=pink] [h2] The Royal Sendoff[/h2][/color] [/center] With the invitation from the Empire of Tara, King James was pleased and while he had wish to have gone, due to the current political climate at home he choose to remain here and help rebuild the country. Yet in a send off for the Foreign Minister Charles Alexzander the king gave a speech. “My fellow Norrans, it has come to my attention there are those within parliament that wish to see the balance in this country destroyed. For years, the power in Zellonia has always resided within the monarchy and to attest to this, I present the following claims in only 2 years we annexed our fellow Norrans in memoital and opened them with open arms giving many of them seats in my new found advisory board. Furthermore, we have been sent an invitation to meet with other great powers to discuss our colonies in Settemau. Finally I will make this pledge to you all, those damned Olsadians that butchered our cities will not be forgotten, there will come a time for our sweet, sweet revenge yet until that time we must wait. Now join me in wishing Charles Alexzander a safe trip to Tara.” The applauds around him soared yet he knew there was much happening in the background. That would have to be solved.