[@Lasrever] Unless an action is utterly useless, I will always try to provide some kind of option or reveal extra information to base upcoming decisions off of. To properly answer the question though, if you choose to skulk about, especially down one of the other passages, I can assure you'll definitely find 'interesting' things. [@Aristo] Yeah, I noticed you were busy doing other things, so I didn't want to bother with it. I thought you weren't coming back, to be honest. But I'm always happy to see anyone make a return. :^) Missing from that list of weapons is the Unknown's Anchor, Dywn's Halberd, and Aiv's Pillar thing. As for your role, we don't even know your character's power yet, so it's hard to determine. Come to think of it, we didn't even establish your weapon yet either. Those two things will come to play big parts in shaping and defining each member of the cast, so I'd say start thinking about those first. I'd encourage to do what you think is fun, rather than fill out some archetype, since it's more about good team play than any sort of perfect composition. Though that perfect wombo combo can be fun too, don't get me wrong. I think the party lacks some kind of long-ranged kick, so you can always do something like that. There are guns in this universe, if that entices you.