There was a sense of comfort in the woman's embrace. A sense of security. Abigail felt a slight pang of loss as the woman eventually pulled back and lead her into the kitchen. Finding herself directed to sit, Abigail realized how hungry she was. She hadn't eaten much that the pirates had brought her earlier that evening. In fact, it had been difficult but here.... her stomach growled as the woman placed the food in front of her. Abigail looked up at her, eyes slightly awash with tears. "Thank you." She said at the woman's kindness. Taking a bite, she managed to eat without choking - though it was hard to tell her mind she was safe. Secure. Worries that the man would find here out here and that there was no one to stop him from taking her again made it difficult to focus on the meal. Exhaustion from her ordeal hit her as she finished eating. She let herself be lead to the bath which was warm. It was so nice to bathe again. To wipe away the grime from the last few days. She would have fallen asleep in the tub if the woman hadn't been there helping her. Feed, clean, and wearing new clothes, Abigail could barely keep her eyes open, the fear of being found still there but now almost in the back of her mind as she struggled to stay awake. [center] ~ ~ ~ [/center] Charles Vance was not one to do something rash. Everything he did was well thought out, planned. Meticulous. The arrival at Ned Low's camp was seemingly unannounced and random but it had been planned out even as the the wagon to usher Abigail Ashe to safety was getting prepared. "You and I have mutual agendas." He told the Captain across from him as they sat, near midnight. "You brought in the girl for ransom and I don't like Lord Ashe." His hand casually tilted his cup as he looked up at the man across from him. "I know where she's being held. And no, it's not the tavern." A wry smile. "In exchange for bringing her to you, I want something." Of course Low would be boisterous, annoying and not willing to cooperate. Even a bit threatening. He didn't know Vance that well. But no matter, Charles had actually expected that result. At the threat from the other captain he casually shrugged and set his glass down. "Here I come offering an opportunity for you and you spurn it. Fine. I can get the girl." He rose. With one sudden stroke, his sword exited the sheath and quickly slashed across the other man's neck. As the body fell to the ground he pointed his pistol at the first mate. "I wouldn't bother if I were you." He told him. He nodded behind the man as several of his own crew emerged. "Listen here," Vance said putting his pistol away. "You all pack up your ship and go. You have until morning to clear out. If I find you all here come dawn, you'll find that Low won't be the only man laying on the beach. The men backed down slightly. Vane put the pistol back into his belt and then, as man with extreme confidence, turned and left the beach. His crew fell in behind him, eyeing the other crew but not engaging as they left.