[@Karos][@Zapdos] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/spray-paint-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170829/4c080b52f95e7f9355bdd469bb965e33.png[/img][/url] [url=http://cdn.acidcow.com/pics/20120619/cosplay_girls_04.jpg]Picture[/url][/center] Pam as always watched those around her careful of betrayal and most importantly, observing critical skills. The world had gone to hell and she knew that in this environment loners were doomed to fall to the laws of probability, it was the group with enough members to support itself with food, needed goods, knowledge, and defense that would thrive and a boy who was as obviously a mechanical prodigy an asset of great value. And so it was with that thought she climbed back aboard the bus she’d only seen as shelter minutes and now saw as safe transportation, well as safe as could be expected through the city and who knew perhaps even shelter across the wastes that could carry water and food though that empty space. As she passed Calvin she paused to hug him as she said [color=dodgerblue]”What a wonderful Man”[/color] and would have kissed him if not for her Mask before claiming a seat near the front.