Panic rose as Arthur struggled to reach the surface. He just could not make it. Suddenly the swimming thing grabbed him and pushed him to the surface with great speed. He stared with an expression of surprise at the strange child for a while. He took a moment to catch his breath as he worked to stay on the surface. Before the child resubmerged Arthur smiled and exhaled. "Thank you." Arthur took the time to spin around and take in his options. There was the ship, except all sorts of monsters were exiting it while entering a tower on the island. The island had plenty of places to find refuge, however a sheer cliff face made further exploration nearly impossible. This dream was making this very difficult. Would there be more monsters on the ship even after the passengers had gotten off? What kind of monsters would he find if he decided to start climbing the cliff? Was entering the tower even an option? Eventually, Arthur decided that climbing the cliff was far preferable over being eaten by a monster, and he immediately began to swim for the shore. As soon as he climbed onto the beach he decided it would be best to wait until his clothing dried up first before he started climbing, and he found as private a place as he could to start taking his clothing off to wring them out. Once he felt comfortable enough with how dry his clothes were he would start his ascent up the cliff-side.