“Pinning to trees is fine, just leave them intact enough for dissection. But don’t waste too much time on just one. By the looks of it, there’s quite a lot of them.” Avitus responded to Jouric, “ Also, we’re looking for a peaceful solution if possible, try to keep that in mind.” Avitus noticed a ship fly overhead and remembered the mercenary. “This is Pathfinder Rix. Do not engage any targets south of the Keelah Si’yah. I’ve been shot at by humans before and I don’t feel like repeating that.” As Jouric arrived, Avitus continued. “What are we looking for? Anything that tries to kill us, anywhere they could be hiding. But if we find something friendly, I won’t complain. If we do, we’ll try to make a good impression and hopefully pick up a few more friends. It worked out with the Angarans.” “Hey, I’ve got an idea.” Taras called out to the two as he approached, “We’ve dealt with a race of murderous psychopaths before, and the genophage put an end to them. How about we skip the pleasantries and get down to business right away?” he threw away a cigarette bud and slid his helmet on his head. “Show them we’re not in the mood for their bullshit.” Following the automatic rifleman’s arrival, Avitus sprang up to his feet and set out into the dense foliage. “Form a line, two meters in between, keep your eyes up and noise down. If we are right and the hostiles are nocturnal, their eyes will likely be adjusted to darkness.” Avitus made sure his flashlight was working. “This could work very well against them. If we start taking fire, Taras will use his biotics to shield us while we find a half decent position and return fire. If there are no questions, off we go.”