Well, well, well.... Color me interested. And y'all can thank [@FrankenDaughter] for showing interest in EC for me finding this little gem. I'd never have stumbled across it otherwise. Before I even begin on a CS submission, however, I'd like to know: [List] [*] How powerful are you willing to allow? Or shall we play it by ear? [*] I may have overlooked it, but was there any age limitations? [*] Do you have any specific power types you'd prefer be avoided. I.e. time control, matter manipulation, etc etc [*] Again, forgive me if I overlooked this, but while this is set in present day, are we using legitimate present day technology all around, like robotics and such? [List] [*] Furthermore, if yes, does magic have any innate conflicts with such technology? Would one not function properly around the other? [/List] [/List] I think that's everything I'd like to know before proceeding.