[quote=@Fabricant451] Look I like anime yabbos as much as the next degenerate but a functional matching game with[b] purposely bad dialog[/b] barely rates above old ass Newgrounds games where I could pretend not to know the source on their characters. [/quote] [img]https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2014-08/1/13/enhanced/webdr06/anigif_enhanced-17793-1406914521-12.gif[/img] Hey hey, rag on the candy crush shit all you want but the dialogue is genuinely hilarious and not in an accidental way. It's 10x funnier than whatever current high school anime is trying to pass for humor these days. And Newgrounds just like anything else had some gems, it just happened to be flash games made on a non-existent budget. But when some pretentious cokehead developer comes out with a low budget trash game on steam, somehow its suddenly genius, give me a fucking break.