[center] [h1]The Kingdom of Zellonia[/h1] [h2][img]http://img08.deviantart.net/28f2/i/2016/056/1/4/random_fictional_english_flag_by_captainvoda-d46x97b.png [/img][/h2][/center] [center][color=pink] [h2] All the King’s Men[/h2][/color] [/center] As the King sat in his office overlooking his map of the world he thought about the vote that had just come in. He could stand down and let his family’s nation crumble into the ground and let the people reign. Instead he called in Field Marshal Conrad Felding and General Leo Heydra to his office. Leo Heydra, had been a mere Lieutenant in the Zello-Oslad war but after losing his family to the Osladian in the assault on Nervington he blamed the old and incompetent high command. After the war he set about gathering information on his superiors and exposing them which earned him the eye of the King himself. The King would grant Leo the new found position of Grand Inquisitor, head of the Kingdom’s Security Service or KSS. He would be granted full authority on external threats such as infiltration of Oslad or other enemies, as well as enforcing loyalty and discipline within the state. The Field Marshal Conrad Felding had been a captain and learned from the mistakes of the past and believed if a more united country under the control of the military or military minded men, they would rule the world. Both men believed in the state, and would remain loyal to the king as well as their forces. The 2 men were called forth to put together a list of enemies of the state that are traitors and conspirators against the king and state. It would just so happen a great many of these people were members of the advisory parliament who had voted for the king to step down. As evidence would show a great many of them believed in the power of Prince Bernard who was another name on the list yet out of the country and in asylum in Radena, the people on the 20th of February would be rounded up by members of the military and the new found inquisitors and arrested. [center][color=pink] [h2]Expanding Limits[/h2][/color] [/center] With the Rigour Conference underway and the traitors of the state being rounded up internally the king began to once again look outward. The first of these acts was the creation of a Colonial Home Office headed by Reginald Travis and would deal with the current and future colonial states. Amongst that an additional 5 million would be sent to New Zellonia in hopes of delaying the collapse until the new year when additional resources could be sent. Furthermore 10,000 soldiers were already on their way to keep the natives in line and to further progress into the wild areas if need be. In addition the new KSS would be given orders to begin infiltrating specific countries in order to undermine them as well as retrieve intelligence of forces and active duties.