[b][u]Overrated[/u][/b] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/99/Sonic_Adventure_2_cover.png[/img] Sonic Adventure is one of those games that gets praise just for not being a shit sonic game. But lets be real here, not only has the game aged like milk, but try playing any of the non-sonic and shadow levels without getting a headache. The cut-scenes have even lost their ironic charm at this point and just make you feel unsettled. Bad camera, bad bosses, glitched as hell, nonsense story and the worst pacing, I really don't think this game should get a pass because it has some decent sonic and shadow levels and an addictive chao garden. [b][u]Underrated[/u][/b] [img]https://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/8/87790/1796960-box_scalibur2.png[/img] Now this is a tricky one because its definitely not an unheard of game and it absolutely got amazing reviews, but holy crap this game is not brought up enough, its EASILY one of the best fighting games ever made, and still the best out of the series. The controls are still ridiculously tight and responsive and the game just feels so polished. If this game was released now, everyone would be talking about it and playing it. Also the console exclusive characters were genius.