A week had passed since Simone first stepped foot into her new city, her new home. A family friend had taken her in for the year whilst her parents went on an extended business trip. The family friend was a man in his early forties, who she had known since she was but a wee baby. To her, he was simply Uncle Ryan, or Uncle. Since the move, Uncle Ryan had bid the girl get acquainted with her surroundings, instead of immediately starting school as one normally would. That didn't bother her, though, as it let her learn the path to and from school, as well as the path from her home to the library. The evening sun hung low in the sky as the girl meandered quietly down the sidewalk, heading back to her Uncle's home. Her dark brown locks bounced along with the rhythm of her steps as she walked, bangs shifting toward and away from soft caramel eyes. If someone paid enough attention, they would notice that she seemed tired, as bags were beginning to form beneath her eyes. Ever since she'd moved to this place she'd been having strange, unsettling dreams. That, on top of overhearing about an app that could kill anyone you didn't like, left Simone a little on edge. She didn't know if the rumors were true, but she wasn't the type to completely write anything out of the ordinary off as false. You never know what's out there. Once she was finally back to her Uncle's home, she found he had fallen asleep on the couch. With a soft smile, she found a blanket, and placed it over him. Hungry, she went to the kitchen to make herself something to eat, only to find a plate of lukewarm food sitting out on the table. Silently, she thanked Ryan, and carefully made her way upstairs to her bedroom to read while she ate. Plate cleaned, and book finished, Simone finally laid down to rest for the night. If only she were so lucky. "...It seems the other is about to awake." Was all she heard as she bolted upright from her bed. Before she noticed anything else, she felt a massive weight pulling at her wrists, and legs. Dazed, and confused, she stumbled out of bed. What she saw scared her. Dark stone surrounded her on all sides, except for two spots. The wall she was facing as she stood beside her bed was clearly made of glass, and the only exit in sight of her were wrought iron bars which formed the door of what she now understood to be a cell. Before she was really able to focus on anything else, she noticed someone donned in similar striped apparel to her own pounding on the glass wall that separated them. She couldn't hear anything, though. As though the male figure wasn't actually there. "What... what's going on?" She questioned no one in particular, her caramel eyes wide with fear. "Where am I? Why am I in a cell?" She couldn't be certain, but she figured that if she couldn't hear the man on the other side of the glass, he couldn't hear her either. Even still, she had to try something. So, with all her strength, she slammed her side into the glass wall. Once, twice, three times before she finally crumpled to the floor in a heap. After a few moments of catching her breath, the woman stood and dragged her body over to the cell bars. She gripped them tightly, and stared out into the area in front of her cell, trying to find anything she could to try and escape.