Hello! I am looking for a few people interested in an in-depth fantasy roleplay. It is very long and extensive, with potential violence. [hider=Concept] The world is set in the end of a renaissance where science and magic are developing. There are machines such as cars and guns, created using both magic and science, and knowledge of medicine is as advanced as modern day. However, despite how well magic and science work together, their respective communities do not. The mages and scientists believe that their practice should be made to dominate the other, and hostility ensues. Science is winning. It doesn't help the magicians - properly called espers - that there have been a recent appearance of demons, creatures that don't follow the rules of biology or physics. They are comprised solely of magic in its physical form and draw away the life force of their surroundings, effectively wiping out villages and forests simply by existing. [/hider] [hider=Details] The majority of the roleplay will take place in the capital city, Eles, of the nation of civilized races, called Ontera. Its government is a totalitarian meritocracy, wherein the king rules for life. The current king rose to power but a few years ago at the young age of 17, but most shockingly, he is a human. The first human in centuries. He harbors a deep hatred of magic and has slowly, carefully, begun to alienate it from society. Unfortunately, the weakening of the espers does not equate the weakening of the demons. All citizens of Ontera are required at 14 years of age to take a test which will determine their entire future. The test measures one's aptitude in many areas of life, and assesses their appropriate niche. Few are unhappy with their placement, as they're essentially given a secure job in what they're most suited for; however, the test may be taken again at 21. [/hider] [hider=Races] Supposedly, any race can achieve anything with enough aptitude and effort, but this is not strictly true. [hider=Espers] Espers are at the top 10%, both of society and of the human race. They are technically human, but possess the ability to wield magic. This ability is randomly acquired among humans with an IQ greater than 142, but at the price of physical strength. All espers are required to bear a tattoo of the magic insignia upon their forehead to identify them. Removing or hiding the tattoo is illegal. They comprise about 20% of the population. [hider=Faeries] Faeries are considered a subset of espers, though this classification is uncertain. Faeries are essentially humans with pointed ears and wings capable of flight. Fewer than 1% of faeries can use magic, though they can sense it as well as espers. They comprise 5% of the esper population. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Humans] Humans and espers tend to hate each other. Humans comprise 60% of the population. [/hider] [hider=Hybrids] Hybrids are the result of magic and scientific experimentation. They are humans with animalistic qualities, such as fur, claws, and tails. Their physical capabilities far exceed that of a human's, though they tend to have speech impediments and are considered less than bright. The most common hybrids are mammalian, such as cats or wolves, since reptilian or avian hybrids usually die early and insectoid hybrids do not exist. They represent 15% of the population. [/hider] [hider=Gnomes] Not much is known of gnomes, except that they are small, disproportionate humans who dislike the sun. They live underground and are usually employed as service workers, maintaining buildings and keeping the streets clean at night. Gnomes have never been elected to any political position. They comprise 5% of the total population. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Sectors] The citadel is divided into sectors, each of which function almost like small, independent states. Each is about the size of a village, though this can vary, and has its own representative. The representatives of all the sectors within the city make up the Council of Eles, which serves under the king. Each representative has power over their sector, namely budget and political priorities, but ultimately the king rules all. Outer-city sectors are no more than designations of territory. Travel between sectors within the city is heavily regulated, and unauthorized travel across sector borders is a crime for espers and non-humans. Humans must first acquire permission before entering a hybrid sector, but otherwise may go where they please unrestricted. Espers may not enter hybrid sectors under any circumstances. Gnomes may not enter inner-city sectors under any circumstances. Espers and gnomes must have explicit permission from high-ranking authorities to leave the citadel, and even then it is under the discretion of the gate guard. Espers may not enter the citadel unless they are escorted by a human. Anyone entering or leaving the citadel is subject to search and questioning regardless of race. [/hider] [hider=Magic] Magic is defined as the scientifically plausible, physically improbable. It is the realization of one's imagination through unknown means, achieving what normalcy cannot. There are several types of magic, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. All magic requires energy and a sacrifice; something can't be made from nothing, after all. A sacrifice is usually taken from one's surroundings, though if a spell is improperly cast, the sacrifice can be anything, including the caster's body or soul. This is called backlash. [hider=Channeling] Channeling is the most basic type of magic. It involves using an enchanted object, such as a wand or scepter, to direct magical energy. It is easy to learn and has little risk of backlash, but is limited in what it can accomplish. [/hider] [hider=Mind] Mental magic is the most commonly used form of magic, as it spans all difficulty levels and is very flexible in what it can accomplish. It involves conjuring what one envisions through sheer force of will. It requires extreme focus and mental fortitude, but can be quite powerful. There is a moderate risk of backlash. [/hider] [hider=Incantation] Incantations are often used for healing or other arts, as it requires the reading of a scripture. It is powerful, but extremely limited, since it is bound by words that must be enunciated a certain way. There is almost no risk of backlash. [/hider] [hider=Enchanting] Enchanting is a passive form of magic that improves the qualities of physical objects. Weapons can be made to stay sharp forever or be set ablaze upon the wielder's command. There is no risk of backlash in enchanting an object. [/hider] [hider=Circles] Magic circles are the most advanced form of magic. Geometric designs turn into magic commands, but circles must be drawn to perfection and can only be used once. This is the only form of magic that can break the rules of reality, and is subsequently the most powerful by far. The risk of backlash is extreme, as one minuscule error could mean the complete destruction of the circle and its caster. [/hider] [hider=Combination] Combination magic is just that - a fusion of one or more types of magic. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Must Know] This roleplay is a bit different from others. I will be playing as every character but yours. There is a basic plot, but there are no set events, so anything can change at any time depending on the actions and choices of your characters. You are allowed to make as many as you can keep track of. Your characters might die. You are allowed to powerplay during battles, as long as the injury inflicted isn't major. Please don't abuse this, though; this is only in place because it makes battles more interesting and realistic. This roleplay will take place on a discord server. Multiple storylines will take place at once, and depending on the characters you create, you will be sorted into different groups. You may not meet a few other roleplayers' characters for a long time. Mature themes are allowed in moderation. A solid foundation of knowledge in science is highly recommended. It is a central theme to this roleplay. Keep in mind that this is a VERY LONG roleplay. Please do not sign up if you cannot stick around for more than a few months. [/hider] I'll only be accepting a few people for this roleplay, but if a lot of people want to join, I might add more content. If you read everything and are interested, let me know!