[center][h2][b][color=orange] Nimue Pendragon [/color][/b][/h2][/center] [hr] [center]Year 7,432 of the 3rd Era 3rd Month, 15th Day Location: Heart of Bervenia[/center] [hr] The trip had been...perhaps more awkward than she had thought, and admittedly this was a type of trip she was not used to, with horses and no angry, angst-filled teenager-like dragon a few thousand years younger following her about in a grumpy mood. Such a trip reminded her of the old days, her final years, in which she had gone about from place to place, to help others and go about the task with at times a single-minded determination that held fast due to...her promise with Morgans. By Vis, waking up and seeing Morgan about the camp in the morning was a surprise she had still not tired of having each time. She was not of the forgetful sort, so perhaps the sensation was simply the steady rejection of this ingrained sense she had of not having her beloved compatriot along for so many years. Perhaps. Though often during the trip she had managed to sneak into Morgan's tent at night to talk, though neither had seemed to want to speak about their shared..."dalliance" the prior day. Though whilst they had talked of the happier days of old, the joys of the ancient years far long passed that they had shared, Nimue felt a bubbling up inside her of...anxiety in a sense. Worry about what had occurred between the two,about...not having informed Morgan about more of the happenings after her death that for the mage were far darker times indeed. As compared to other things she had grappled with, this anxiety was easier to keep shoved down even around Morgan, though impossible to completely conceal in the back of her mind. At the very least, the shapeshifting thief and his magical dagger were keeping from the main group to an extent. It was ultimately an awkward thing, however, as she at least had not been able to actually get into some conversation with him during the trip. Albeit, she had threatened the man before, and even now she could honestly admit to herself that she did not have any measure of complete trust in the man. Trust had to be earned, on all sides apparently. Yet even as the man left his horse behind and the mage returned Morgan's soft smile as best as she could, she felt herself outside of her times with Morgan falling back into who she was before she had died. In other words, a somewhat depressed mage who seemed to bear a sense of emptiness...which was awkward around Morgan and and of itself, leaving the feyblood to hope that Morgan did not see her like that much at all. Though as the oracle currently prattled on to the three of them, Nimue felt a small frown come to her face. It was odd having someone speak to her who, if they possessed strong enough divination magic, might know more about her than she was comfortable with at all. One reason she had avoided divination magic, really, since it was an odd sensation to be on the receiving end. Glancing over at Morgan as well, Nimue met her eyes and gave a light nod before looking back towards the child-like oracle before them who seemed to command such respect. [color=orange]"So we are essentially to understand that this world is under attack now by a being of alien origins that looks like a dark moon is creating some form of foreign abominations? And my assumption that this revival is the work of Vis is correct. And that we might be using a vehicle such as an airship or some other methods to avoid land travel, if i am interpreting what you said correctly that is,"[/color] the mage noted, her tone taking on a serious note as she attempted to make sure first that she had heard the oracle correctly and had placed a guess at what the oracle was referring to when noting Harun eventually mentioning a way to travel east without wading through the enemy's forces, [color=orange]"Though i must ask how you gained such powers of divination in all of this, whether by divine means or not. Further, your appearance to be suggests some amount of fey relation or ancestry, if i may question such a thing aloud. I mean no disrespect by any means, but with everything taken into account i simply wish to gain an understanding of you as well on some level."[/color] Not that this woman was evil, perhaps, but it was not like Nimue was going to take this all without any questions being asked about this oracle or the like. Everything had moved so fast so far, it was...slightly jarring in some respect. While the "others" had perhaps been given the time to adjust after arriving here early, the mage, knightess, and thief had not exactly been given some amount of preparations or time to soak in simply being alive once more for that matter. [@Lyla][@Tominas]