I can't find a picture at the moment but at least with this RP I think I found a a fun way to somewhat make fun of myself [hider=My Hider] Name: Jin Namikaze nickname/summoner name: KingSlayer Picture: Role: Mid Pocket pick: Yasuo Personality: Jin was once a talented high school athlete before a hamstring injury put him out of commission. Without an athletic outlet, Jin was reduced to playing video games, primarily League of Legends. Channeling his intense competitive spirit into the game Jin finds himself being a talented but rather “toxic” individual. Due to his love for carries and assassins, Jin has developed a cocky attitude which reflects in his gameplay seeking to always attempt to be the carry and output the most damage. Because of these traits Jin can ideally solo carry a game… or lose it. Because of his ego, Jin consistently seeks to annihilate his laning opponent or test his limits by engaging in less than ideal 1 versus multiple opponents scenarios. This attitude while capable of snowballing incredible leads can also result in being consistently getting caught out and Jin’s lack of respect for his opponents often gets himself solo killed usually by mistake. Year in school: Junior 17 Experience in league: Playing since season mid season 4 [/hider]