[hider=My Hider] Appearance:[img] https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/lotr/images/e/ed/Glorfindel-0.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/220?cb=20170628041038 [/img] Name: Glorfindel Age: 300 (but physically looks no older than a man in his (mid twenties) Race: High Elf Kingdom of Origin: Bio: Descendant of a long line of powerful warriors, Prince Glorfindel of the High Elves is no exception. Since the day he can lift a sword, Glorfindel has trained and honed his abilities throughout the years so that one day he can join the warrior legends his people have produced. Despite his great talent, Glorfindel is a victim to the Lich King as his people remain to be scattered and weak after years of war with the great enemy. With stories that the fabled Lich King once more threatens the realm, Glorfindel has volunteered himself to join the Architects to avenge his fallen brethren and return a conquering hero that will hopefully one day, reunite his people. Personality: A bold warrior who knows little of fear, Glorfindel has always sought to fight in the thickest of the fighting as a way to showcase his skill and prove his worth. Because of his elite training, Glorfindel prides himself in his abilities and is willing to fight any foe if it means bringing glory to his family. Despite his “normal” high elf bravado, Glorfindel is also a charismatic military commander who shows great concern for his men and would never make an order unless he himself was willing to do the same. While his traits have shaped him to be a hero to his people, Glorfindel has a less than stellar reputation amongst the other kingdoms. While there is no denying his skill, there would be many who like a shot to shut up the Elven Prince. Due to his background and past experiences Glorfindel has a particular distaste of Dark Elves, believing their methods to be barbaric and lacking honor. Glorfindel is also not particularly fond of Dwarves as their races have long been enemies and his lack of respect and quick tongue would often him find consistently exchanging harsh words with those he sees as beneath him. [/hider]