[b][color=0072bc]Beversea Hills, close to the slick in progress:[/color] [/b] Moving swiftly with the prevailing current, a contender for possibly the oddest fish in the sea was speeding towards the Beversea Hills District, and the ship in the process of spilling an as-yet unidentified pollutant into the waters there. The anonymous tip hadn't been a red herring, as she'd feared- a spill was in progress... accidental or deliberate it was difficult to say, but since the ship was stuill chugging along, the crew apparently unconcerned about the substance spilling by the gallons into the ocean suggested the latter. The possible damage a spill like that could do... even to waters already as murky as Beversea Hills... it was enough to make a person green around the gills. Were there no depths people wouldn't sink to? When would they realise it wasn't all just a drop in the ocean? She shook her head to clear it of that line of thought. Pondering the ills people could do to one another could wait, right now she had to investigate what damage had already been done... her eyes widened slightly as she observed a dense rain of fish falling towards the ocean bed- school might be out, but class was in session! She needed to see just what effect the spill had had upon the unfortunates plummeting to the bottom of the sea. With a flick of her fins she swam closer, skirting the edge of the slick as she made her way down, in time to note a peculiarity: Amongst the mounting pile of poisoned poisson, a single golden-coloured fish floated, evidently in distress, but just as evidently not a regular civilian. He had a purposeful way of moving and a jaded look in his eyes that made her believe that, if he didn't know what was going on, he was looking into it...getting to grips with the scale of the problem. It might be a good idea to begin her enquiries by finding out a little more about him? Drifting gradually towards him, she lightly tapped his shoulder before addressing him. "Pardon me if I'm interrupting," she said politely, "but you seem a little out of your depth here. I was wondering, have you any idea what the substance causing this is? And," she added, as she looked around to take in the scene, "if there's anything we can do about it? This seems almost like a deliberate act, but I don't want to rise to that bait without being able to back the accusation up".