[quote=@DracoLunaris] [@Black Alice] as of yet non of the submitted chars are that scale [/quote] Um, so I actually don't know if this was why the GM attached this threat level, but consider for a moment our resident Sith Lord. He's Threat 2. Soak that in for a moment. This is a character who can drain planets of ALL LIFE. He can mind control entire populaces, and block light sabers with his bare hands. Force Lightning is incredibly strong, able to one-shot most characters that don't have special forms of resilience. So, here's my interpretation: He is a Threat Level 3 character, being nerfed by circumstance into a Threat 2 (much like whats going to be happening with my leader). The ONLY reason the Sith guy isn't a Threat Level 3, God-tier threat, is because of one simple fact. This isn't the star wars universe, therefore the force isn't omnipresent. Many signature force powers can't be used, because the force doesn't really exist outside of his body.