[@hefewy] [color=00a99d]Hm... So you comply. You have held your end of the bargin, I hold mine.[/color] She said, smiling slightly. [color=00a99d]You are aware of the curse? Every child of the Harvestmen who took part in the slaughter was said to be cursed. But there is another story. A story of a father. A father who loved his daughters so much that he created a world for them. A world that they couldn't leave. So that they would be with him forever. My father.[/color] She said, clutching at the rune resting on her lap. [color=00a99d]I wish for you to go to the basement of this castle... And kill my father. To break the illusion of this place. To destroy this facade of a castle. End the curse of the slaughter at Ramshorn. He is in pain, wallowing in misery. Please... For my sake, my sisters, and his. For the people slaughtered at Ramshorn. He mustn't continue to live.[/color]