Ally smiled as Alvina walked in. "No, it's a bit hard to believe," Ally chuckled, half excited, half nervous. More lives and safety now fell in her hands. "If you don't have a suit, I have these here," Ally said, pointing to the couch of spandex, masks, and gadgets. Ally wasn't sure if Alvina brought a suit, but she was sure to buy a blue one in about Alvina's size just in case. Alan then entered. Ally figured he had his costume stored away in his large backpack, but realized her assumption was wrong when he clarified. Ally couldn't help but laugh at the man. It was just so... [i]him[/i] to not want a costume, she couldn't help but feel amused, "Alright, that sounds good." He began to unpack his computers. "How are we going to communicate? Do you have walkie-talkies or something?" Ally asked, as they hadn't talked much about this. The only thing she did ask him was to look for less troublesome routes as they couldn't go against anything hardcore on their first night. They needed a few days to get into the rhythm before they could move on to tougher crimes than simple muggings and robberies. Then Trip finally entered and quickly went into the bathroom to change. He came out in a very admittedly cool costume, despite its simplicity. Ally let out a low, teasing whistle as he asked if she had his costume in mind. "Yeah, it's totally you, Trip. It looks good for someone who didn't want to do this before," Ally said, unable to help but smile. She was glad to have him on the team as well. Although the others were currently training, Trip's skills were on a different level. She was glad to have him joining the cause as well. "I can't wait to see your costume, Zoey," Ally added, smiling warmly at her friend. This was true, she really couldn't wait. Ally knew how excited Zoey was for this night, and Ally was excited to see all of the hard work she put into making the costume. "Go ahead and use the bathroom or my room- either is fine."