Bardeck sat up, leaning against the outer wall of the tiny, abandoned cottage. His Axe rested against his burly shoulder, and he scratched the dark fuzz that threatened to become a beard now engrossing his chin. He knew why the fact he was watching was a must, but in the serene lake with the tall, soft grass that covered the rolling hills around him, he could not help but feel relatively safe and secure. The battlefields over the rise might have the skeletons of a thousand warriors, but here, violence did not seem natural. Of course, that didn't mean that what was natural would occur. It took him a moment to see the figures, but a small retinue of armed and armored men from a faction he couldn't quite tell was now making their way through the forest of tall grass toward their position. They spoke to themselves in hushed tones, the curious looking one in the center of them appearing to be a specially skilled one. Bardeck stayed still for a moment longer to make sure they weren't simple travelers just passing through, but he knew that wouldn't be the case even if he wished to make sure. With a sigh, he got up as slowly and cautiously as he dared, and moved in a low crouch to wake his new ally. One that had been trustworthy so far, despite his demonic appearance. He made it inside without being seen, as far as he knew at least. "Wake up," he said to Ferthyr, placing a big hand on his shoulder and shaking him slightly. "Four armed men heading this way. Now."