[center][h1][color=686F91]Harry Walsh[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/d03fc8a9229db3193e86bfc3b3c8b536/tumblr_nkhkysMc5r1uokpato5_540.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b][color=686F91]Location:[/color][/b] Qasr El Nil Barracks -> The Streets of Cairo[/center][hr] Chuckling softly at Aziza's confusion, he moved towards the gate with her and shrugged. [b][color=686F91]"She's my horse, same one I had when I was deployed here during the war."[/color][/b] He paused for a moment as he finished speaking, looking down for a moment as he pushed away a few resurgent memories, bubbling to the surface at the mere mention of the experience. Sighing, he shook his head as he allowed Aziza to speak to the guard, moving on with her as he felt her arm slip through his own. He still appreciate the feeling of her arm wrapped with his own, and as she did so, many of the thoughts he was pushing back completely faded from his mind. Reaching up, he gently set his hand atop hers for a moment, smiling before he lowered it back to his side, tucking it into his pocket as he wandered through the streets along with her. Unlike Aziza at that moment, Harry was doing his best not to think on all of the things that had happened the night before, the jewellery, Josephine and Haakon, the attack the night before, it was an extra bit of stress which Harry did not want, or need, and he planned on ignoring or avoiding the topic it of it as much as he could. At that point in time, Harry didn't want to think about anything he didn't absolutely have to, right then, his focus was on Aziza, and on collecting his things from his apartment. That was it. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=FFE2AA]William Drake[/color][/h1] [img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/ff46ab5f5f3b663db052ad5d797359c6/tumblr_o23ey3NKbE1qdhps7o3_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=FFE2AA]Location:[/color][/b] The Egyptian Museum[/center][hr] Reaching up, William idly picked at something in his teeth, no doubt leftover from breakfast, as he watched Lauren idly wander about Vera's office. It was something he'd done regularly after he first arrived in Egypt, curious of the contents of the office and eager to explore every bit of it, regardless of whether or not Vera appreciated his rather prying eyes. By now, he knew more or less everything in the room, having been through every drawer, cupboard and table that he'd been allowed to go through for files or information on the many digs he'd been getting himself involved with since he arrived. [b][color=FFE2AA]"I'm an archaeologist."[/color][/b] William said plainly at first, shrugging as he sat there, thinking of how best to properly explain his field. [b][color=FFE2AA]"Though I guess not the usual sort, I'm less into the whole, 'books and theory' and more into the whole riddle-solving and dungeon-delving part."[/color][/b] He chuckled. In reality, it had been getting William somewhat antsy that he hadn't been out of the city in twenty-four whole hours. Before the day before, he'd spent most of his time out and about in many of the tombs and dig-sites around Cairo, and he would have much preferred being back out in the wilds.